CD Sherpa

Evelyn Huber, Matthias Frey and Rageed William
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Evelyn Huber: harp
Matthias Frey: (specially prepeared) grand piano
Rageed William: duduk & nay
1. Rheinfels Loreley (4:46)
The Loreley rock was already a well-known place in the Middle Ages because it was the most dangerous spot in the Rhine, leading to many tragedies for boatmen and their wooden boats.
In 1801, the name Loreley (Lorelei) appeared in a romantic ballad by the poet Clemens Brentano.
In this ballad, Loreley is a young woman who wants to take her life because her lover had betrayed her. However, a cleric prevented this and sent her to a convent. On her journey there, she stops at the rock to look back at her lover's castle one last time. Thinking she sees him leaving, she throws herself in despair into the flood.
2. Woa-** (6:30)
In many societies of sub-Saharan Africa, there is the notion that a person consists not only of a body and a soul but also a "shadow". Among the Agni, a people in the West African country of Ivory Coast, this element of a person is called "woa-woè". At night, the shadow can leave the sleeping body. Dreams are related to the nocturnal experiences of this wandering "woa-woè".
3. Shiroyone (5:02)
Flight of the Japanese Manchurian Crane over rice fields sloping down to the sea (Shiroyone Senmaida). This crane is one of the largest birds in the world. They grow to about 1.5 meters tall, with a wingspan of up to 2.5 meters! The Manchurian Crane symbolizes fidelity, happiness, love, and immortality, or a long life in Japan, and is revered as a sacred bird in many Japanese regions.
4. Aconcagua (2:56)
For the Incas, Aconcagua was a sacred mountain. As on other mountains, cult sites were established here, and sacrifices were made. The facilities discovered in 1985 at an altitude of 5167 meters are among the highest on earth and are the most difficult to reach of all Inca sacrifice sites. Here, the remains of a child, laid on grass, fabric, and feathers within stone walls, were found. Figures and coca leaves were other offerings found.
5. Sherpa (9:32)
The Sherpas are a people who migrated from the cultural region of Kham, in Central and South Himalaya, 300 to 400 years ago. The name of the people comes from the Tibetan: shar means "east," and the suffix pa means "people"/"humans". Members of this ethnicity are also called Sherpa. The female form is Sherpani. Today there are about 180,000 Sherpas. They mainly live in eastern Nepal and the border regions of China and India. They are mostly Buddhists and predominantly speak a language unique to their culture.
6. König der Stille (7:03)
According to legend, Muley Hacén, the King of Granada (15th century), retreated to a remote fortress in Xolair, today's Sierra Nevada, after losing his throne. There, the king, who once sat on the throne of one of the modern wonders of the world, spent his days alongside the beautiful Zoraya and the children they had together. It is said that he was always sad, locked himself in the highest tower of the Alcazaba, and stared at the sky. The only thing that could comfort him was the stories Zoraya told him about the region.
As his end neared, he asked Zoraya to bury him where no one would ever find him. Zoraya fulfilled Muley Hacén's wish and buried him in the snow of the highest mountain. Since that day, the peak has borne the name of this great king.
7. MULHACÉN (4:17)
(Sierra Nevada)
The summit Mulhacén was named after a great figure of the ancient Moorish realm in Granada, the Nasrid Kingdom. This refers to Muley Hacén (the Spanish version of the Arabic name Mulay Hasan), who was none other than the King of Granada.
Muley Hacén was married to Queen Aixa, with whom he had a son. However, the king fell in love with a slave working in the Al
hambra. She was known by her Arabic name, Zoraya. Jealous of the love between Zoraya and her husband, Queen Aixa incited her son to ally with his father's enemies and overthrow him from his throne. This led to a battle for the throne of the Alhambra that lasted until the Reconquista by the Catholic Monarchs.
8. Everest (11:38)
A) The Last Sunrise
B) Blown Away Tracks
C) The Roof of the World
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